Introducing the Rarity.Garden Market Builder Tool
Today we introduce the next iteration in Rarity.Garden’s tool set for NFT creators, the Market Builder. Much like the Rarity.Garden Farm Builder, which allows users to quickly and easily create DeFi-like staking of tokens for NFTs, which are controlled only by their owner, the Market Builder is an easy interface that creates dedicated marketplaces which are decentralized and Creator owned and controlled. Rather than relying on centralized services, or predefined rule sets, Creators can build their own custom markets with their own fee rules on which NFTs can be bought and sold on their marketplace. Market Builder integrates NIF based staking to ensure that marketplaces fully align with the goals of the wider Rarity.Garden ecosystem, and keep Creators incentivised to maintain their community.
The Market Builder is the next step in our roadmap towards the delivery of complete and full-fledged whitelisted NFT marketplaces which can be easily integrated into websites and mobile apps.
Below you can find more information to help you build your first custom NFT market.
Start by clicking on the “Market Builder” button on the left toolbar.
You’ll see an option — “Add new Market”. After you select the mentioned option, a pop up form will appear, where you will enter all data that is required.

First, give your market a name (be creative).
Next, select a staking tier, this will require the you to lock NIF into the contract, which can be unlocked at anytime. Upon unlocking, the marketplace will be deactivated.
There are three available tier levels for staking. All tiers include full marketplace functionality plus bonus features:
- Tier 1 (10 NIF): Activation
- Tier 2 (25 NIF): Tier 1 + authorize adding/removing individual NFTs to the market
- Tier 3 (100 NIF): Tier 1 + Tier 2 + authorize individual wallets from buying/selling on the marketplace
Tier 1 and 2 markets pay the owner of the marketplace 50% of the transaction fees earned on the marketplace.
Tier 3 allows the owner to keep all transaction fees.
The next step is to add a description of your market (if you want to add one) and your market image.
Then your Fee Address should appear, this is where fees will be paid.
You can set a sales and swap fee (transaction fees) as a percentage of the sale value (up to 50%).
Everything else is optional, however, it allows users to find out more about your project.
If you’re satisfied with your market data, hit the create button. A MetaMask pop-up should appear, and you’ll need to verify the final details.
First, you need to allow/approve, so click confirm and wait for the transaction to finish. After that click create market button, and again wait for the transaction to finish.
Once confirmed you can close the Market Builder Form and see that your brand new market has been created.

After you set up your market, go and check out the options that are offered. Click on the pen icon and select the option you want.

- Withdraw Fees: lookup and withdraw collected fees.
- Withdraw Swap Fees: withdraw collected swap fees, paid in NIF.
- Edit Market Info: change your market name, description of your market (if you want to put one) and your market image. Also, you can add your social accounts info (this is optional). Click -Update- and confirm your changes in the MetaMask pop-up window.
You can also whitelist and blacklist wallets from buying or selling on the marketplace, as well as NFTs and Collections from appearing on the marketplace.
This box also allows you to unstake NIF. Please be aware that unstaking will disable new offers. Users can still sell their NFTs and you can still withdraw fees.
You can restake to pick a new tier at any time and resume all features.
When you enter your market, you will be offered to sell NFTs. You’ll see an option — “Sell!”

After you select the mentioned option, a pop up form will appear, where you will enter all data that is required.

Now enter the desired amounts of NFTs from your wallet you want to offer, which you will need to approve first. If you add more than one type of an NFT, the offer can only be purchased by a buyer as a whole.
If you intend to use royalties, please add them in percent. 50% max. royalties allowed, only for purchases on the Rarity.Garden Market. You’ll need to know the collection address and the NFT ID to set it.

Next, select the token to sell into. NIF will appear by default, but you can pick to enter any custom ERC20 or LP Token address. You need to know the contract address for the token, which you can find on a block explorer like Etherscan.
Enter the price per item. After that select the category. Select the type of sale between three options: Allow buying, only — Allow buying & swapping — Allow swapping, only.
Click Sell! and that’s it! You’ve created a market and put up an NFT for sale.